Monday, July 16, 2007


Can I? Two entries for this weeks illustration friday? Aw, great.

This is called 'the discovery of the giraf'. It's for a new childrens book I'm illustrating as we speak.


Tina Poe said...

Amazing sense of light in this one! I love the composition as well.

Jennifer said...

wow, your work is spectacular! You really have a nice style!

Maarit said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I have no idea what "groots" means, but I'm taking a leap of faith and taking it as a compliment.

You really can draw, I'm impressed (and I see you do the colouring by hand, I bow to that). The doodles are fantastic too.

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

Gorgeous perspective.

Franfou said...

wow great master piece !

Jelle Gijsberts said...

Hee Arne!

Tof plaatje! Vooral de kleuren vind ik heel mooi!
Bedankt voor de tip, ik ga effe kijken of het op sommige plekken niet verstandiger is om het contrast wat op te schroeven of juist wat bij te werken.


Unknown said...

Like how your illustration goes past its boundaries, really cool. Nice work.

Loni Edwards said...

Nice job! Love the lighting and perspective!

Barbara said...

Terrific use of light and perspective - well done!

Nicole Florian said...

Excellent work!